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Writer's pictureTheatre Workout

Further funding granted by Arts Council England and DCMS

Theatre Workout is thrilled to receive additional funding through the Cultural Recovery Fund, managed by Arts Council England and awarded by DCMS.

This additional funding will help ensure Theatre Workout can continue to operate and deliver world-class drama and theatre experiences in schools across the UK, and with groups from around the world as they visit London's West End to engage with British theatre and UK culture.

Theatre Workout is among 925 recipients to receive a share of over £100m in this third round of funding.

Adam Milford,Director of Theatre Workout said:

"This award comes with a huge sigh of relief. The last 18 months has been a constant struggle, and while we have a long path to recovery ahead of us, this will make a significant difference. Thank you!"

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries said: “Culture is for everyone and should therefore be accessible to everyone, no matter who they are and where they’re from. “Through unprecedented government financial support, the Culture Recovery Fund is supporting arts and cultural organisations so they can continue to bring culture to communities the length and breadth of the country, supporting jobs, boosting local economies and inspiring people.” Over £1.2 billion has already been awarded from the unprecedented Culture Recovery Fund, supporting around 5000 individual organisations and sites across the country ranging from local museums to West End theatres, grassroots music venues to festivals, and organisations in the cultural and heritage supply-chains.

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