Back in September we reported on the next phase of roll out of the Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA), being introduced by the UK Border Force.
The new ETA raised questions about requirements for French school groups.
On 4th November, we reported that we had received the following confirmation from the Home Office via our partners at UK Inbound:
Do children aged 18 or under who are part of an organised French trip group require ETA?
Nationals or citizens of any country who are aged 18 or under, studying at a school or educational institution in France registered with the French Ministry of Education and seeking to enter the UK as part of a school party of 5 or more pupils organised by that school or institution, do not need entry clearance before they travel to the UK as a Visitor.
This means that children aged 18 or under who are travelling to the UK as part of 5 or more pupils organised French school groups are not required to obtain an ETA.
On 13th November, we received the following update from partners at the British Educational Travel Association (BETA):
The Home Office has confirmed that until a group solution can be developed, European children travelling in a French school group will be exempt from the ETA requirement. Extract here and link to PQ's below:
"In advance of the ETA scheme opening to applications from European nationals next year, the Government has considered the implications of the scheme on French school groups visiting the UK and has agreed that children aged 18 and under travelling as part of a French school group will be temporarily exempted from the ETA requirement until a group solution is developed. This will allow EU, EEA and Swiss children to continue to use their identity cards on organised French school trips to the UK."
In September the Home Office announced the next phase of the Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA)
· Eligible non-Europeans can apply in advance from 27 November 2024 and will need an ETA to travel to the UK from 8 January 2025.
· Eligible Europeans can apply from 5 March 2025 and will need an ETA to travel to the UK from 2 April 2025.** Update: Exemption for French School Groups
Visitors can find out when they will need an ETA here: Check when you can get an electronic travel authorisation (ETA) - GOV.UK (
The main goal in poor bunny is to collect as many carrots as possible while staying alive. However, with hazards constantly appearing, every second becomes a test of skill and reflexes.